I apologize for the delay, I am probably the worst blogger right now...
Results: 21:44, 14th place
Overall it was a pretty decent end to the season. It was fairly warm and extremely dry out. I had a few minor injury things over the weeks before the race so I am glad I was able to shut that out of my mind and just run. I went out "slow" and sat back a little. I tried to make a move around 2 miles and shake off a group of guys, but I was only slightly successful, as 2 of the guys ended up putting in a huge surge around 2.5mi and left me behind. In the end I think I ran fairly well, as the course does run up and over a really tough hill twice.
I ended 9th of the San Diego finishers which was pretty much spot on for how I was all season. I also finished 9th in the final Dirt Dog Series standings. At the start of the "season" I thought I had a good chance for top 5 but everyone really came out this year ready to run. Considering I really trained through the races and had my eyes set on just getting back to normal mileage I think it was pretty successful.
The team ended up folding in the finals, as only 5 guys could make it. We missed 3 of our top 5 guys which really hurt us. We finished 3 of 3 overall and in the final. Hopefully next year we can pick up a few more guys and get more consistent participation from the guys. It was fun to have a team and in the end it didn't really matter because we had fun.
Final Standings:
Individual Standings
Team Standings
CIM reflection and a New Year Ahead
5 years ago
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