Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mt. Laguna

Considering I have posting on a less consistent basis I am going to try and make sure I get in at least one post besides a race report or training summary.  I though as a nice "almost end of the week" I would post up some amazing pictures from our trip to Mt. Laguna last weekend.  Before that I will give you a quick low-down on the area.  Mt. Laguna, and the surrounding area, is located about 50mi east of the City of San Diego, but in San Diego County.  Please keep in mind, all you East Coast readers, that this state is so vast that even though it is really about an hour away from any city type buildings some people would actually refer to this as "in San Diego," it is a much different concept than I am used to.  Mt. Laguna itself is technically an unincorporated town with a population hovering around 90 people.  It sits at it's highest point around 6200' (mainly floating around 5600-6000') above sea level, making it a really great place for training.  

About 8 years ago there was a Fila sponsored training group that lived up here in preparation for the Olympics.  Greats like Sonia O'Sullivan and Craig "Buster" Mottram have been known to frequent the area to get in some altitude training.  It is a great area,  very quiet and definitely keeps you focused on your training...mainly because there is nothing else to do!  

Without further are some photos and captions for you to enjoy:
Me with Cleveland National Forrest in the Background (notice the burned remains from the 2002 (?) fires and the equally "HOT" pose by me!)
Looking down at the Anza Borego Desert with the Salton Sea in the distance (hard to see in this picture)...For a perspective we were standing at +5900' (Garnet Peak) and Salton Sea is -220' !
Di at Laguna Meadow

Jill Gaitenby Signed New England Runner at the Mt. Laguna store, no matter where we go New England follows!  (Sonia O'Sullivan signed Irish Runner can be seen next to it.)

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