Saturday, April 12, 2008

Dry Desert Winds

Yesterday - 8mi, 53:00, solo on the bay. Felt ok but not great.
Today - 8mi, 53:45, solo on the bay. Crappy run, it was probably 80+ and I would guess if it was possible to have negative humidity it would have occurred.

So it is usually pretty nice here near the beach but when the winds change and they blow off the desert it is a completely different story. I actually had pains in my chest because of the air quality. For you average beach goer today was amazing but not great to run in. Not only does the desert winds blow out hot, SUPER DRY air but usually it sends along all the pollen from the "spring" flowers as well as all that great pollution that gets stuck in the mountains.

Luckily the Sox are on national TV so life is good.

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