Monday, April 14, 2008

Training Summary: April 7 - 13

Monday 4/7 - 8mi, 60:05. Easy recovery with Di on bay.

Tuesday 4/8 - off. Rest day, legs still need to recover from race.

Wednesday 4/9 - 7mi, 50:00. Easy with Di and 6X100 strides.

Thursday 4/10 - 8mi, 55:00. With Di around the bay. Included 4mi at 6:15 pace as a small workout for her.

Friday 4/11 - 8mi, 53:00. Solo on the bay, easy but not as comfortable as I hoped.

Saturday 4/12 - 8mi, 53:30. Solo on the bay in hot dry weather. Felt terrible.

Sunday 4/13 - off. Stayed up until 4am watching London Marathon and was dead all day.

Totals: 5 days, 39 mi. No long run really kept the mileage low and the fact was I only got out the door 5 times. No plans on running much more next week with Boston less than a week away now. I figure I am really just doing maintenance work until Boston and then taking that week low. The plan after that is to actually start "training" again and focus on a half this fall. More this week on the upcoming race plan for Di at Boston and my take on the London Marathon. Check back soon.

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