Monday, May 19, 2008

Training Summary: May 12 - 18

Not what I had hoped for but it works. Lost 2 days from work/travel and only did core once, but it is a step forward. Oh yea...and I never ran Bay to Breakers because I never set my alarm, I'm an idiot.

Monday 7/12 - off, traveling from Williamsburg

Tuesday 7/13 - 9mi 31:00, solo on the bay. Easy run on the bay. Core and push-ups.

Wednesday 7/14 - 6mi, 41:45, solo on the bay. Easy run before the flight to San Fran.

Thursday 7/15 - 7mi, 50min, Embarcadero/Fisherman's Warf in San Fran with Patrick Joyce and Blake Russell. Fun to get out somewhere new and catch up.

Friday 7/16 - 9+mi, 61:05, same route as yesterday with Steve Mienelt. Felt good and felt like we were moving along pretty well.

Saturday 7/17 - off, had to work and had a VERY LONG night the night before...craziness=no running.

Sunday 7/18 - 6mi, 40min, same route again with Patrick. Missed the race and ran with Patrick instead.

Totals: 37mi, 5 days. Not good but it was what I had to work with. Working the expo make running hard and getting insanely drunk one of those nights doesn't help either. Had a good run with Mienelt on Friday which was a confidence boost that I am not in terrible shape. Although, I need to hit in the 50's this week or I suck.

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