Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Training Summary: May 5 - 11

So my first week back wasn't really good because of the traveling to Ryan's graduation and traveling up the coast...but I got in some runs, so that counts for something!

Monday 5/11 - 6mi, 41:45, solo on the bay. Nothing exciting just an easy run in the sun.

Tuesday 5/12 - off, traveling all day and never found a time to run, gotta stop using this excuse.

Wednesday 5/13 - 8mi, 60:35, with Garret in Santa Barbara. Easy run with Garret (manager SB Running) through Santa Barbara. We ended up running through a weekly race and got stuck running slow with some mid-packers.

Thursday 5/14 -~7-8mi, 56:30, with Jason and Aubie (sp?) in San Marcos. Crazy hilly run in San Marcos with J-Lew and his dog. It is nice to hit the trails and some nice long hills. Running with Aubie is really fun, she is probably the greatest running dog ever.

Friday 5/15 - off. Traveling all day to Williamsburg, VA for Ryan's graduation. In other words too lazy to get up early.

Saturday 5/16 - 8mi, 55:00, solo in Williamsburg. Found a route from the hotel, through Colonial Williamsburg and past the school. Nice run and nice to feel a cool drizzle on a run!

Sunday 5/17 - 7mi, 49:00, solo in Williamsburg. Easy run nothing exciting.

Totals: 5 days, ~38mi. Just a crappy week with traveling, resulting in only 5 days on the feet. One sort of exciting thing was the return to core and push-ups! I haven't been "regularly" doing core work on push-ups for about...3 years and this is my attempt. This is supposed to keep me more on track and if I am going to be serious again this is a must. Eventually I want to be back doing this 3 days a week on my old normal schedule.

Plan is to actually try and run 6-7 days next week, core and a push-up circuit twice, and run Bay to Breakers on Sunday. It should be fun up in San Fran all week, but it will be a challenge getting in my runs with the expo and other various work things that need to get done with in San Fran.

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